The Mr & Mrs Brunch Festive Guide 2020

The Mr & Mrs Brunch Festive Guide 2020

December 15, 2020 | 5years | Festive Promotions

As we count down to the end of the strangest, most topsy-turvy year in our lifetime, one thing is for certain...2021 cannot come quickly enough.

For us Dubai residents, the two things that getting to the end of this year will ensure, are that;

1) There will definately be more of us here this year due to the added complications of travelling back to our "home" countries, and

2) The celebrations will be like nothing we have ever experienced before, whether they are due to the restrictions in place, the added sense of love and appreciation for those you are able to celebrate with, or the sheer relief that we will feel just for making it to the end of 2020. (We made it!)

Part 1: Christmas Eve/Day
Part 2: Turkey Takeaways
Part 3: New Year's Eve/Day 

Whatever your reason, we want to make sure you have the best advice, and save some money while you are at without further ado, please find below our Festive Guide to 2020...

ps…keep checking back as we will update the list every few days or so...

(Last Update: 15th Dec November) 


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